We produce creative print solutions
for 100% sustainable products

We challenge the status quo with new thinking & ideas

Sustainable Printing Solutions

The Print 4 approach is simple.
We reduce, re-use, and re-cycle

We engineer unsustainable elements out of our process and use materials with established waste streams to minimise landfill outputs.

Our mission is ensuring that our organisation grows both responsibly and sustainably, to promote sustainable development, enhance corporate reputation, manage risks, and contribute to long term financial performance.

By incorporating ESG considerations into our strategies, our aim is to make a positive change to social impact and position ourselves for a more holistic approach to Environmental, Social and Governance activities.

As an SME, this objective runs throughout the business. For us, sustainability equals continuity. Not only for the company, but particularly for the next generation. No green washing, but a genuine mission to contribute to a greener future.

Our sustainability credentials

  • Seal of Excellence: British Printing Industries Federation (BPIF)
  • Environmental Management Accreditation ISO 14001
  • Quality Standards Accreditation ISO 9001
  • Certified by the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)
  • Member of the World Land Trust, The Woodland Trust and Printers Against Plastics
  • Winner: Solutions for the Environment, Earth Island Print Awards, 2019 & 2020 & 2022
  • Highly Commended: Plastic Free Marker Pen Packaging, UK Packaging Awards, Cartonboard Pack of the Year 2023
  • Highly Commended: Plastic Free All in One Grow Kit, UK Packaging Awards, Best Packaging of a New Product 2023


Powered by renewable energy backed by REGO certificates with investment in power efficient technology.
A filtration plant cleans our water, and our press room is alcohol free. When it comes to carbon emissions, recycling and sustainability, there’s no doubt that the Print industry has contributed to the problem. Therefore, we’re working every day to help ourselves and our customers function more sustainably.
We are regularly reviewing our internal system to find new ways to reduce our carbon footprint and ensuring we surpass international standards.


Our FSC certified materials have full chain of custody. We can even source paper made of agriculture waste with 47% lower environmental impact than Standard paper, and 29% lower than standard recycled paper.
Our paper stocks can tell a story too; try old bank notes, seeded paper, used coffee cups, recycled denim or elephant poo!
Got an idea? Contact us


SEDEX is an organisation that offers a simple and effective way of managing ethical and responsible practices in your supply chain. By allowing suppliers to share the same data with many customers, Sedex helps to reduce the need for multiple audits, allowing both parties to concentrate on making improvements.


The demand from customers calls for creative solutions.

Unburdening the customer is a priority at Print 4 Ltd, because product and sustainability must work together and with over 35 years’ experience, Print 4 Ltd will educate and support.

Through our aspirations, collaboration, and commitment of everyone here at Print 4 Ltd, we are now able to publish the targets aligned to our prioritised goals.


For your copy of our Progress report 2022 – 2023 please “click here”, the report lists

• Our Vision

• Priority SDGs

• Current Data

• Measuring Progress

• Case Studies

• Next Steps

• List of Full Accreditations


We sowed our own onsite wild meadow with over 20 species of British wildflowers which will increase floral diversity and attract bees, butterflies, and pollinators with its range of species from the RHS’s list of pollinators.
Working alongside Bees of Nottingham, who are a single origin honey producer, we soon had over 90,000 bees enjoying our wildflowers.
Our honey is collected in an ethical and sustainable way, leaving plenty for the bees to get through Winter.